The waiter was good, the soup was delicioso, exactly what I'd been hoping it was going to be. The pasta was yummy, and we had lots of leftovers!!
The only bummer is that you can't see my shoes or my cute new clutch. I "funked" my outfit up a little since its winter, and I wanted to wear socks with ankle boots. They really made a good look. Guess the lady at the hotel reception doesn't know how to show off my awesome fashions :-) haha, she barely knew how to use the camera so I guess I shouldn't hold it against her.
Went to see the movie "the Fighter" that night. Wow, good movie, in the middle it feels a little slow, but it keeps you involved the whole time. I guess I went in expecting the same old Rocky type of movie. Underdog works his way up and finally wins in the end. Not this movie, yes he's an underdog, but the whole family drama with this movie. Its funny and sad, and makes you really feel for him. Christian Bale did great at playing a user, and he looks soooooo sickly skinny!! Hope he doesn't keep it off, I like his round little boy face better.
I was doing a pretty good victory dance too. Which completed our awesome weekend of doing NOTHING.
I went to the library Tuesday and got some knitting in. I'm almost done with "Little Women" so thats one NYR I'm keeping, the saving money is going slow at the moment as I'm paying off tuition for Forensic Entomology still. But once taxes come in at least half of that goes straight to savings and maybe more!
(On the FE note, only 31 more days until Florida!!)yes, I will be putting a countdown in my facebook status soon, I'm that excited!!
Sorry no exciting pictures of the snow storm, I feel like this area kinda overreacted. Its Michigan winter for goodness sake!! You should expect SNOW!! My sister got quite a bit though, and I enjoyed the pictures she showed the family. Even though I laugh at everyone's reaction it was nice to have an extra day to do NOTHING again. University shut down, the mall closed up, so I got to just watch old episodes online and finish my homework at my leisure. Then we got to cook like old times, and had a great dinner.
and I just got another inch of snow today :) Ug