Not sure where I left off, but I know that I didn't take enough pictures.
The StainGlass Lapghan is finished, and at its owner's house.
My dear friend from the sorority found out she and her hubby were having a baby boy, so I flipped through the book, and found one I loved. I made the smaller size so it would be perfect for the car seat and since I was still trying to get homework done, I would have time to finish the blankie before the shower.
Next on the list (and I'll try to take pictures when it happens) is another child's name sign. I can't wait to wander Hobby Lobby again for cute little animals, and new creative juices. Thinking about how I want to do this one (for a boy this time) made me think about Etsy. I've thought about it before... mainly because I like money... but I knew I did not have the time required to have a good shop. I knit quickly, but then get side tracked, and finish slowly. And if its a large project I tend to get bored halfway through... Definitely a child of my generation, instant gratification anyone?
For my friends and family I can focus enough (except on that x-mas afghan, no idea is quite perfect enough) but for a stranger, will I be a disappointment? But with these name signs, I can get them done quickly, they are relatively simple and low cost, and still lots of FUN! well, the one I've done was lots of fun, and these next two are keeping me excited. So could I start an Etsy shop with just these simple name signs for sale, and then slowly build up knit wares (blankies, burp cloths, wash rags, etc) and have fun making money off my hobby?? Or am I trying to bite off more than I can chew? Also, is there really room in my apartment for new crafting piles??
Things to think about, and I will be
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