Now on to the knitting updates. All the pieces for the stain glass lapghan were knitted, so the dreaded finishing touches of sewing had to be started. Here's a pic of the black edging all the pieces received:
Next step to the lapghan is the fun finishing touches, MORE knitting!! the two black trim pieces that will sandwich the final product. I decided to knit them at the same time since I had two balls of black anyway. Plus they will absolutely be the same length.
I've nearly reached the halfway spot with knitting, so hopefully before Valentines Day the Xmas gift will be in its giftee's living room.
Other fun Xmas info. Got a cute bag from sister #3 which I already shared with the ladies of DTDLcrafters. And "Knitting Socks from the Toe Up" from sister #1. I'm very excited to knit some socks, its something I've always wanted to do, but been scared because I'm a corner cutter and don't check my gauge (I know, shame on me) so my few sweaters have not lived up to my expectations. Its one of my many irony/oxymoronic natures that I am a perfectionist who wont take time to make it perfect.
But I'm going to do socks right! I'm not allowed to buy yarn until the lapghan is done, so I'm knitting quickly and trying to be good. Gift card to Micheal's from Momma will make it easy to buy some starter yarn to practice with.
OK, well its time to get some homework done, and pay some bills before work tonight. Thanks all for reading my blog :-)
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