Yesterday seemed like it was going to be hectic. I had class in East Lansing, then a baby shower on the west side of Lansing, then work even further east than East Lansing... lots of driving, and everything one right after the other. BUT it went smoothly. Class was a test, answered the questions quickly and confidently (and hopefully correctly) and managed to get out after just about fifteen minutes. That let me drive across town and get to the baby shower at DTDL in no time. The ladies were glad to see me, and had lots of questions about the 12 days afghan. I filled them in on how great it was finally going (even though I'm procrastinating since its all ends to be sewn in right now) and we crafted and chatted for a good half hour, then Lisa opened her gifts.
Here's the final look on how all my pieces came together

so cute. I couldn't fit all the animals, and the lion got left behind, but I still like the final look. I was kinda wishing as I fiddled with placement that the animals weren't all facing left! Oh well, I would use those little guys again!
Speaking of baby showers, another one on Sunday! but I already gave the momma her blanket, and you have all seen pictures of that. I'll be in Indiana for a wedding Saturday, so I didn't know if I would be getting to town in time for the shower. I still plan on stopping by and seeing the girls, the invitation asked that in place of cards for the new momma everyone bring a book. Good thought, so Joey and I have gotten a little book... but where do you sign it? :-)
In other non crafting news, I have a friend from high school that has joined the Peace Corps. She's in Vanuatu, of the Pacific Islands. Its one of the most humid places on Earth!! so to help her out, I'm collecting silica gel packets from work.

Boy do I have a lot so far!

and those pictures don't include the bunch I got last night!! Going to ship them soon so they don't take over my closet! Hope her clothes stay mold free :-D
Well, no work today, studying and class, and maybe a little knitting too. Better get back to that studying before I decide the TV can be turned on and fully distract myself.