Why, oh why, did I need to redo the second bedroom? Simple, our family was changing.
And so did I:
Of course I went out the day that second line showed up and bought some yarn. To heck with my promise to not buy until I got rid of the stash! This was my flesh and blood, I was buying new yarn. And I started knitting that day (Side note: the stash is contained).
You can see the completed blanket on the back of the glider. Except, it really isn't finished. Even for my own DNA I can't be bothered to put the finishing touches on a project. Oops. The solid squares should have little ties in them to look more like a quilt. I never got around to that.
Meanwhile I was still in school. We took summer and fall classes, and I say we because she was always there, dancing away, during lecture.
Luckily she decided to wait until after exams (and we passed with flying colors) to make her grand entrance. Unfortunately, she kept waiting. I was induced at 41weeks, and she punched her way out the next day. Beautiful babe, MissM, is now 4months and takes up most of my time. I love being able to stay home with her, but I'm still hoping to bring in an income with my knit and wood items.
ReenieKnits is beginning to be put together. I have 4 blankets ready to sell, and I'm working on other items. I'll be back in summer classes, parenting MissM, and knitting like a crazy person. I plan to use this blog to keep ReenieKnits up and running. The main point of order right now, is to figure out how to exchange money. PayPal? Square? another option I haven't been introduced to yet?