Monday, April 5, 2010

First Knitted Blog!

Hooray! I've created a blog to focus my creative energy. Too many ideas and not enough time to knit I needed somewhere to let it all out. Also I'll probably vent a little about my job search. Any one know of a crime lab hiring a forensic chemist?? Give them my name! I'm very willing to move!!

I'm still completing a Christmas present from four months ago, pictures to come soon. And I've begun planning for next Christmas, probably a lot of afghans under the tree this year. Started planning in February, but haven't started knitting yet. Luckily no friends (that I know of) are pregnant (yet) so I have nothing in my way to get these done!

You shall be hearing from me soon, and pictures too!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blogging world :-) May your journey be as lovely as mine, and just delete the some disagreeable comments that might come in the future :-)
    Of course you may post about my patterns and link to my blog, I'd be delighted :-)
