Monday, July 21, 2014

Red Pajamas and Washcloths

Saturday M and I took a trip up to the mall, and our local Barnes&Nobel. Storytime included a visit from Llama Llama! She was a little cranky from bad timing of naps, but she sat nicely while they read three books. She was more interested in the couple of three-ish years olds behind us, but still. :-)

We then got to do a "craft" which was really just coloring. They also had squares of colored paper you could glue to the bottom of your picture as Llama's quilt. The five minute ride back home was enough for her to be OUT, naptime!

Meanwhile, Reenie has more projects going up in the Ready to Sell page.

Set of three washcloths. The color is named "beach blues" or something similar, but I paired it with a solid purple. I finished the last cloth while video chatting with some of my Dec. girls. It was our own Mom's night out, except in!

When I was first learning to knit I could finish a dishcloth in the length of a Nascar race. I think I'm even quicker now. My aunt was one of my first customers back then. She used a dishcloth until it fell apart, and then paid for me to make her more. :-D

Another set, and I still need to tie in the ends. Colors are much more vibrant in person. I'm deciding on what solid to include in this set, or if I should sell it as two. My thoughts stray to sets of 3 and 5, $10 and $15. Still deciding though.

As you can see, I still have yarn so many more wash cloths to come! MissM is up, so more blog updates later!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Aunt x2

Well Reenie has done it again! Become an Aunt!!

Sister-in-law finally went into labor early Friday morning. She was 10 days overdue, and impatiently waiting (I've felt her pain). Baby girl got the memo and evacuated the premises. Baby girl is a little peanut, just like her daddy. Can't wait to see her tomorrow and get all the snuggles.

Niece #1 should be getting a package today. The tracking says "Out for delivery". Inside are some cousin shares, a new gift for Mom, and a Wooden Board for the nursery (Pictures to be posted after they confirm it was received).

M is a book lover too!
In reading news: I finally finished the Scarlet Letter! Man, that is a wordy book. I moved on to Gone Girl, and am making much faster progress. Taking suggestions for what to read next! Please leave a comment! I only made my Goodreads goal 12 this year, as I knew the infant would take up some (all) of my spare time. I'll have to check my classics list, but I think after another fun quick read I'll try to tackle Oliver Twist again.

I shall post again soon. With photos of all the projects I've completed lately. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Name plate finished!

All packaged up and ready to go. The new parents are in the process of moving, so we are waiting to send.

Meanwhile, the Reenie family took a much needed vacation this past weekend. Thursday night I put MissM in the Ergo carrier and walked over to a friends. She fell asleep on the walk, but woke when we got there. Too many voices. She was not a fan. Yet, she slept right through the fireworks.
Loud bangs, okay, adults talking, not okay. Noted.

Friday we packed the car and drove 45 minutes to the zoo. Unfortunately MissM took fifteen to fall asleep, so only a half hour nap. We walked around the zoo for a while, fed a Giraffe, peeked at a baby monkey, tried to pet a llama (s/he was uninterested in us). M fell asleep in the stroller, and then got woken as we were boarding a tram. After lunch (for all of us) we ventured out of the zoo and met up with her Aunt. Played there for a while, ate again, then started getting sleepies. So we packed her up and headed to our hotel. Another broken nap though. Finally got a decent nap after we'd settled in. Tried to take her swimming. Not a huge fan, says the overtired lady.

Saturday was nice and relaxing. We tried the pool again, and it was a decent success! Maybe we still have an Olympic swimmer on our hands. Had lunch out with her Aunt, Grandma and Grandpa came to visit. Napped in her cousin's crib (what, she's not using it?). Then back to another relaxing night at the hotel. Sunday we packed up and came home early. Good to be home, she says.

Mr.Reenie was back to work bright and early this morning, and this Reenie is ready to put the finishing touches on her knit washcloths.
Hope everyone had a fun and safe 4th of July!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Expanding family

This weekend was a good one in the Reenie family. My sister gave birth to her beautiful baby girl. MissM is no longer an only grandchild. I am now an Aunt!! We were expecting a July baby, but the end of June sounded better to the babe, and who can argue with that?

In knitting news, I've finished a set of three dish/wash cloths. Lily&Cream is on sale too! Might be worth a trip to JoAnn's to stock the stash drawer. Wash cloths are great little projects as you can't really lose your spot, so I can knit while she's awake or napping!

Working on the finishing touches for new niece's wooden board, pictures will be posted after her mom has received. May have an order for 3 sisters name boards. Little monkeys, already thinking of Christmas presents! Excited to talk ideas with their mother and get crafting!

Hope everyone has a good 4th. We'll be taking our little rockstar to the pool for the first time.
It will be nice that Dad actually gets to participate in a first :-) It also means this postpartum body needs to go shopping!