Tuesday, March 5, 2013

More etsy ideas

Store names: R House (family meaning), CreateR (leaves room for multiple crafty ideas), TeenyReenie (as in baby stuff), Wooden Kneedles (since I do wood stuff and knit stuff).

New idea from Mommy via text this morning:
Add hats to every blanket! Or at least knit some totally awesome cutesy kid hats.

This looks crochet, but I do have hooks, I'm sure I could figure out how to make the flower and then attach to a knit hat.
Or I could knit the hat in the same pattern as the blanket depending on the blankie.

I think for etsy's sake I would want to list the hat separately. Though I was talking to some ladies I know yesterday who have had Etsy issues. One recommended just doing a facebook page. No limit on pictures. Easy to put up or edit. Easily accessible. Still would have to do paypal or something. Plus no paying out per listing, or per sale.

So something else to think about. Plus I could start the page now with the note that the store opens suchandsuch day. Then people could start sharing and getting the word out before Opening Day! (Speaking of, Tigers open in a month and I haven't started those hats, dang.)

P.S. don't mind my awkward editing to protect the child's identity. I don't know these parents much and don't know how they feel about their infant being on the interwebz. (She is super cute though)

Edit/Update: Googling cancelled out Teeny Reenie and R House as they are already somebody's something.